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What Businesses Should Consider for Hybrid Work

What Businesses Should Consider for Hybrid Work

In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the widespread closure of offices and workplaces across the world. Many employees learned something during this unprecedented time – that it was possible for their work to be done remotely from home.Of course, telework is not an option for every job or every company. According to a recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 62% of...

5 Ways for Business Owners to Make the Most of Small Business Saturday

5 Ways for Business Owners to Make the Most of Small Business Saturday

With the holiday season right around the corner, shoppers are prepping by making lists, formulating gameplans, and looking for the best deals in town. As a business owner, your preparation likely looks a little different, maybe something more like advertising plans, sale signs and holiday events. Ultimately, your focus is on filling a need – be it supplying a shopper with the perfect gift, filling...

6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Your Business Data

6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Your Business Data

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard a lot about cyber attacks when a large corporation makes headline news for a massive data breach. It’s no wonder business owners have a touch of cyber anxiety in today’s times, when so many aspects of your day-to-day work—from banking and payment processing to email and customer databases—rely on the internet. And the truth is, there’s good reason...

Business Landscaping Tips

Business Landscaping Tips

If you own a commercial property, then landscaping is a part of doing business – whether you like it or not.To help take one more thing off your plate (and help boost your curb appeal in the process), consider hiring a commercial landscape contractor. But how do you choose the right contractor? And what services do you really need?To help find the best lawn-care solution...

How to Create Your Employee Handbook

How to Create Your Employee Handbook

Are you and your employees on the same page when it comes to company policies? Can you help your employees easily access information about things like benefits or performance evaluations? Do you have documentation that ensures your team knows their rights and responsibilities at work (while protecting you in the event that you’re sued by an employee)? If you have an employee handbook, the answer...